Outnumbered but Never Defeated: Dulcie Barr on Studying Dentistry as a Woman in 1919

In this episode, we listen to Dulcie Barr, one of only two women enrolled in the dentistry course in 1919. She talks about her time as a student and how she faced every challenge thrown at her with aplomb. 

Dulcir Barr is voiced by Dr Vanessa Witton.

Interested to learn more? 
A history of dentistry in NSW: https://slhd.health.nsw.gov.au/sydney-dental/about/history

Some more info about Sydney’s Dental Hospital: https://dictionaryofsydney.org/entry/dental_hospital_of_sydney

Visit the University of Sydney Archives: https://usydarchives.recollectcms.com/users/login

Listen to the full interview with Dulcie: https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/91647 

Creators and Guests

Dr Gabrielle Kemmis
Dr Gabrielle Kemmis
Researcher and archivist at the University of Sydney
Peter Adams
Peter Adams
Media Producer, University of Sydney
Outnumbered but Never Defeated: Dulcie Barr on Studying Dentistry as a Woman in 1919
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