Speaking of History is a podcast which explores stories hidden within the recently digitized cassette tapes of interviews conducted in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s with former University of Sydney staff and students. 

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Latest Episodes

A Pioneering Zoologist: Elizabeth Carrington Pope

In this episode, we take a listen to marine zoologist Elizabeth Carrington Pope, who reflects on her time as a student at the University of Sydney in the 1930s, and on...

Telling the Truth: Hermann David Black on WWII Censorship in Australia

In this episode, we listen to University of Sydney stalwart Hermann Black talk about his memories of censorship in Australian media during World War II, and how he ens...

Introducing Speaking of History

Professor Julia Horne introduces a new History of University Life podcast series, Speaking of History, presented by Dr Gabrielle Kemmis. The series draws on recently d...

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